Thursday, January 05, 2006

deranged evangelists

it all started this summer when a friend told me that pat robertson told a man to divorce his wife over a disagreement about having children...then he said to assasinate the venezuelan dictator...of course, this summer i was convinced that he was definitely smoking crack, but after today's comment about sharon- let's put it this way- my friend, who remains anonymous, shared with me one of the best bumper stickers...and i am personally sending one to the lunatic evangelist via a prophet mail says:

"jesus would slap the shit out of you"

friends, this sobers me about many of the things that i feel i might want to take control of...evaluations of others lives, speaking in the tone of "God told me"...basic judgment and condemnation that was never mine to take up and carry out to others...i used to think it might get difficult to live in this world as a believer one day due to influences of the secular means...i never thought that the difficulty would arise from actual christians acting in this fashion...the man has a means to say some incredible things to the world about the grace of God...instead, it becomes a platform speaking in lunacy...

as the world awakens tomorrow, this crap statement will rule and dominate the air will be a topic around many coffee makers and millions of believers will try to convince those around them that they do not- by any means- agree with the statement made by the man who bears the same name as they do..."christians"

i say all of this knowing full well that my reaction to this situation falls under some category of an angry heart...i am not sure if it falls under righteous judgment or just down right anger...and i am grieving this moment because i know that i am the worst of sinners...if God were to strike us down because of our careless giving away of God's property- what about our bodies? our money? according to the theory proposed by our brother in Christ, the population of the world might be reduced to nil...

i am so thankful that the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting...even on israel- on evangelists- even on the worst of sinners...


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