Sunday, May 14, 2006

shouldn't we know what they look like?

"these feelings of unpreparedness...lean into your God-Consciousness fully...your experience should tell you that you are not the first person to ever walk into a theology final with no clue...hell, how do you think Tillich ever came up with his load of theology? he just started writing in one of the finals and poof, out came all of his "root" words to his theology...besides, we all know what he was doing the night before...he he"

"don't you get it? the only reason you are taking this final is because of the incarnation...this has so affected you that your entire being is within this event...this is the starting point for all of you...practice the freedom this gives and understand this is where the confidence of your place here makes sense...God is God...write about that..."

"all of this mamby pamby must work out this faith, my friends...we would all agree that God is with us, but get your butt out of bed and study!! if you do not know the mind of each one of us, then it makes it more difficult to defend your place...haha! use your mind and work toward the completion of this time we have had together...perfection is worth working for..."

"'s true, what that ignorant fool schleimy said...BUT, it has continued to make so much sense...i did not know what was being formed that day, but it has continued to form itself into a reasonable theology...these polarities are true definitions of our existence...claim your angst and yet claim the new being as well...pull a little dialectical delight from our friend barthy...remember, it's just one day out of your i heart huckabee will help you..."

i should be studying...


At 11:01 AM, Blogger Katrina said...

what a helpful clue into the minds of our male white german friends.

At 4:34 AM, Blogger McKnitter said...

All I can say is...How in the world did Tillich get so much "action?" Must be the pipe...

At 5:20 AM, Blogger Monica said...

he is sooooo hot...

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Katrina said...

Karl Barth looks strangely like my great uncle Loyde. Doo Doo Doo Doo

At 10:48 PM, Blogger bcdees47 said...

That's one crazy suit Mr. Schleiermacher is wearing. Where can I get hooked up with one of those?

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Monica said...

i don't know, but i think it is adorable...


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