signing over the nation...
i rarely get the heeby-jeebies from people...but this morning i awoke to a national story in the nytimes and then the constant media coverage of the change of presidency from bush to chaney...
oh my god...
if i have ever prayed for bush, which i admit is not very often except that the time pass quickly until he is gone, i am praying today that the man who shoots his friends will not explicitly be the "president"...which he is, techinically...
millions of people daily get a scope up their butt...and, to be honest, i did not know that they had to sign over their businesses to take the scope...or have someone to adopt their children ready in case it goes why all the media hoopla? why the words "president/vice-president"? i mean "vice-president" is enough to give me the runs...
let's pray this all together today:
Oh Lord,
hear us in our time of need
deliver the president into a state of good health
save us from a threatening time of trial
and deliver us from evil
seriously, look at every head line...the media is practically making sure that anyone with a pair of eyes and an easy saturday morning ends up with nausea and vomiting...
I was a bit disturbed about it myself. And then I laughed at the picture accompanying the article I read. Cheney had that smirk again. .
I say if he can shoot his buddy, his buddy should get to shoot him back. How I think it was a protocol thing. My guess is any type of medical procedure on the President results in signing over power the the veep. Still frightening. May we all be wary of vp for the next election.
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