Thursday, September 04, 2008

tagged from ryan...

The Questions // Presbymeme II

1. What is your favorite faith-based hymn, song or chorus.
i would have to say today - O For A Thousand Tongues - i long for the day my desire could be self-described as praising God in this way...i have a secret love for wesley's hymns...

2. What was the context, content and/or topic of the last sermon that truly touched, convicted, inspired, challenged, comforted and/or otherwise moved you?
david johnson's sermon on satan...i had just come back from africa and the superstitious was fresh in my mind...

3. If you could have all Presbyterians read just one of your previous posts, what would it be and why?
i am not really a good writer...i just like to vomit my feelings out on a site that serves as my everyday editorial to life...i like the latest - new deep...only because it's fresh...

4. What are three PC(USA) flavored blogs you read on a regular basis?
it takes time to read three blogs a day...fetteredheart, tribalchurch, and mere's latest - hymnsandneedles are my current reads...

5. If the PC(USA) were a movie, what would it be and why?
the breakfast club strikes a chord...principal bender (the status quo) is struggling to deal with the diversity of the prom queen (marge carpenter), the jock (emergent presbyterians), the geek (cradle presbyterians who can't even make a lamp turn on), the freak (diversified presby's who sit and watch the status quo and everyone else with the contentment of being who they are), and judd nelson (those who stand up for convictions based on experience) makes for a great situations...i even say promise...

i am supposed to tag five other people...but i am too tired...


At 9:12 AM, Blogger Reyes-Chow said...

Thanks for playing. Breakfast Club, first one to pull that one out. Well played!

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Monica said...

thanks r-c...i enjoyed thinking about it...


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