Friday, January 20, 2006

poison control?

i hate catch phrases...garbage in garbage out...lookout for the flying nun...don't know wha-chu got til it's gone...takes one to know one...whatever it is, it annoys me...

i am about to complete week three of the abrupt and significant stoppage of the fag...i have not worn a patch all week and i started thinking about the poison aspect of it long does it take for poison to get out of your body? i smoked for 9 years...not heavily, but enough to be addicted...maybe it is the constant irritation that is getting me...for the most part, you would not meet a happier person than myself...but this stopping of the poison has created this alternate species (what is the singular of this word?) of personality that i am not used to...when you are not feeding your body poison, where does it get its supply? it's really beating me up's mad...and it makes me mad at others at a much quicker rate than usual...

maybe all addictions are this spend a significant amount of time inhaling, drinking, whatever and then when it gets cut off, the poison tries to hang in there at all costs...i've never had to quit anything before and to realize that a poison has been controlling me is....sad.....

to all who are loving me despite my "edginess" i am so grateful...i had no idea it would be like this...can i detox faster? or is this the path that you naturally inherit when you quit something?...maybe the real question is- is it just as ugly coming out as it was going in?


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