Sunday, January 07, 2007

one good nugget...

somewhere inbetween brushing my teeth and driving to the store today i had the most profound insight...for you, dear reader, i am sure you are way ahead of me...but i had this remarkable clarity concerning love...

it seems that when people do things that make them loveable, we love them...we have no problem engaging in their lives...BUT, the trick is when people do things that may possibly be labeled as "failure"- we tend to draw some lines around ourselves for protection...why is it that we cannot love fully in this "failure" mode? or maybe we do, but we think that love is what is at stake...possibly, this is not the case...

in our ever complicated and atonomous culture, it is much easier to write off the other when they are in failure gets too difficult and then we either find ourselves enabling- or rescuing...or some other psychological term- choose from a long list...when it gets dangerous- we, or i rather, find some reason not to be engaged with the other any more...

where is love now? can we still love though not be fully engaged? i don't know...but the nugget lies within our ability to stick it through with the "failure" mode and stay grounded...still honest...state our discontent...but still be there...i would venture to say that any number of you reading this have had this happen this week...frustration and weariness are the champions of guiding us away from the other...

as for the nugget- i am going to put it in my pocket...a reminder that love engulfs everything...even the "failure"...


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