Wednesday, September 26, 2007

fate, texas

on my way to texarkana the other day, i passed through a town called fate...i don't know why i expected some place that would instantly illuminate me to the possibilities of the future...but i gave it a shot...from city limit to city limit i held my breath in hopes of some great insight i could only get from a place called fate...

alas, it did not work...i'm not really one of those people...i simply believe that the day IS what the day, as i drove through the second time, instead of expecting the great vision- i exhaled and wondered if people actually move there to gain insight...

for those of us outside those city limits, i feel safe in saying we all really want to know, right? isn't this why we wake up every day? besides the joys of morning coffee, what else happens that ensures us we are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing?

last night, i watched again for the hundreth time, big moving to napa valley and leaving carrie doesn't matter how many times i watch this, i expect fate to take a turn somehow...delusional, i know...but i still think there is a part of me that hopes that time can take an unexpected turn - even if that moment has proven otherwise a series of time before...

maybe this is my hope in the new day...the baptism of another sunrise...that life is more than just fate...even when there is a sign saying that "this is the place"'s october...i have never felt the call to be brave like i have this week...brave in the sense of accepting and believing in my's time to put it out brave and do what i want to brave and seek out the things that invoke brave and live into the new day...the nuni de, baptism, all the things that make us some sense, i could call it fate...

but i would vote to change the signpost to "intentioned, texas" makes me feel braver about what today means...


At 1:39 PM, Blogger Tim said...

Mon you are one of the bravest people I know. Keep the faith.

At 7:23 AM, Blogger Tim said...

Indictment of your personally.

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Monica said...

stop it...both of you :) these are the times that are strictly reserved for table time...

tim, i'm beginning to think there is a fine line between brave and idiot...for this, i will always err on the side of idiocracy...

papps- seriously? i don't need an indictment to know this ever pervading idiocracy...however, the few moments of bravery that i encounter i will even attribute to something greater than i...for this, i am aware...

tim, move back...oh and bring katie...every one is getting married and i vacilate between it being something to embrace for myself or run the other way for eternity...depends on breakfast you know... :) coffee does wonders for the mind...and heart...

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Tim said...

What weekend in November would be the best time to visit?

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Monica said...

don't know...i am headed to aar right before thanksgiving... are you not coming to barth symp?


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