Sunday, March 26, 2006

no more titles with question marks...

it's time to make some informed more questions...

1- in dedication to my friend "nooner", i would like to pass on the wisdom of the weekend... "where there is mastery, there remains no mystery"

2- if i were schiermacher, these last few days have been indicitive of my realizing the feeling of absolute dependence...this fad is causing myself to want to live into my god-conscienceness...realization of my utter need to live into the wholeness of the Other is made possible by the person of christ and how he lived...

3- if i were tillich, these days were spent fighting my hubris...this state of estrangement in which i find myself can only make sense if i look to the new being aware of my finitude and looking to the new being as a source of what my existence is all about...the ground of all being has made a way in which i can be like the new being...i must have the courage to with and being for others...

4- if i were barth, it has been the answers given to me in which i find my questions revolving around...the Immanuel is constant...the humiliation of christ has happened for the exaltation of humanity...i am encountering the divine constantly only because of christ and his incarnation to the world... and what this means for myself is that God is with me in every moment...from the darkest to the brightest...always with and for me...

5- if i were wesley, the laws around me have revealed my sin...i have chosen to confess and look to christ not only as an example, but as to how i should live...that i can be and should be on a path in which moment by moment i am becoming more like the perfect christ...this battle is is a struggle...but because of my understanding of what christ has done for me, out of love and devotion i will as well be like christ...

i do not think this could count as the mid-term...but it has helped my feeble brain nonetheless...


At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so am i going to go to this show, i ask because i haven't recieved my plane ticket, and well frankly i am thinking, maybe you forgot to send them, i require first, no strike that, business class(or which ever will be the best for me to strech out, and copious amounts of pleasure juice(booze). and if you can work it(changing federal law would be good) i need a flight where i can smoke on, how else am i going to enjoy the pleasure juice without a smoke. did i mention that my post ofice box is 9943, not 9934, i figured you flipped the last two numbers, as that is the only reason i figured i haven't recieved the tickets, i KNOW it is NOT that YOU forgot to send them!!! tata dear monica, tata.

At 12:11 AM, Blogger bcdees47 said...

And if you were Paul Simon, you would say:

Well I'm on my way
I don't know where I'm going
I'm on my way I'm taking my time
But I done know where
Goodbye to Rosie the queen of Corona

See you, me and Julio
Down by the schoolyard

(cue whistling)

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Monica said...

dearest beard...i regret to inform you that there is no ticket in the mail...i am too poor to get you here...if i could get you here, i would gladly get you a first class ticket/ with smoking...and you could witness in awe, with myself, the incredible death cab...alas, it cannot be so...

dees: you always say such insightful things...

At 7:10 AM, Blogger McKnitter said...

Why shouldn't this count as your midterm? Seems like a practical application of theology to me...

And props, dees, for quoting my favorite theologian/life philosopher!

At 7:12 AM, Blogger Monica said...

i am so glad you are suggesting this meredith...i feel good about it regardless...

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would settle at this point for UPS, or prehaps an Envelope with some postage?

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Monica said...

i forgot you are small enough to go fedex...hummm...let me pray about it!!


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