Monday, March 06, 2006

when duke loses, i win!

i have often been accused of not being a true sports fan- mainly because i don't have a favorite player, or team for that matter...just because i don't have posters of sport heros plastered on my wall, or have an inordinate amount of useless sports trivia memorized doesn't make me 'not count' as a fan...i simply enjoy watching the manuevering of the sports are my favorite- namely basketball and volleyball...when march madness hits, it is welcome in my world mostly due to the fact that i long for that dominant team in the east- duke university to go down...

i like to root's a part of my blood...for ages now, duke has never been on any underdog list, so naturally they evolved into a team that i like to see lose- which i admit, is not very often...which brings me to my next subject- betting against duke...

this past saturday, i had the luxury of watching the duke vs. unc game on a huge screen in a lovley pub located in north just so happened that a lovely man had accompanied me there...he personally likes duke which is the truth for most basketball fans and i began the diatribe of my underdog theology...turns out, we made a meager wager and for underdog rooters- the one and only rule is: the wager should always push the envelope...

of course i won...and i like rooting/betting with people who actually pay up...this very well may have been one of my better lovely friend was a good sport and just think- we have three more weeks of good, wholesome underdog rooting...


At 11:45 PM, Blogger astrocero said...

what was the wager?

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Charity said...

Yes! I am a diehard UNC fan...and don't worry, Duke is definitely overrated this year... ;)


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