Friday, March 31, 2006

profile envy...

so, a post i read daily, sometimes multi-times daily, is the UK man...i wanted to check out the larger image of the nemesis picture posted in the view profile...i happened to see just how many people have clicked on his profile to which my amazement does not reveal a bit of information...

over 5,100 people have viewed his empty profile since september 2005...i want to go on the record and say that i have diagnosed myself with profile envy...i have been blogging since december, and i barely have 300 could possibly be directly related to my not so interesting posts...

now, i do not know if i am suffering from some narcisistic syndrome- needing to know that people want to know about me, or if i just WANT the number to rise on the view profile...does anyone else suffer from this disorder? is there a hotline?


At 8:47 AM, Blogger SC said...

That guy must be REALLY popular, Monica. I'm not surprised you're suffering from a nasty case of profile envy.

I'll bet he got all those profile views completely honestly too, and didn't generate lots of them from another blog of his, which showed lots of pictures of coughnakedwomencough...

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Monica said...

what? he transferred profile veiws? how cheated do i feel?...and as for the coughnakedwomencough, i might consider how this tactic might be very useful...

At 2:51 PM, Blogger bcdees47 said...

If you want, I will click on your profile 10 times a day until you get your count up. I'm always willing to help a sister out.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Monica said...

really, it's okay...i called the hotline and there was some interesting thing they recommended for me is to "not" let people help me out...high profile views is something you want to come by naturally/ethically...they perscribed a week of abstention of viewing profiles...i have a follow up appointment...

At 8:13 PM, Blogger SC said...

No Monica, from what I hear he didn't need to transfer the profile views. At least, I believe he thinks that is the case. He thinks that if you have more than one Blogger blog, as he once did, all of the profile views are bundled together. Is this not the case? He would most assuredly like to know. Very sensible advice from the helpline, by the way. Could you give me their number? Er, it's for a friend...

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Monica said...

so i have been to the pub and therefore cannot remember the advice given...i will make an effort to publish the hotline in the morning...until then, sweet dreams my friend...

At 8:01 AM, Blogger SC said...

Oh, not to worry then. By the way, I'm really glad I'm not one of those people who clicks and clicks loads of times on their own profile, just to get my, oops, I mean just to get their tally up! Sweet dreams to you too...


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