Thursday, October 16, 2008

the american dream...

over the last three weeks, i have cringed every time a presidential candidate suggested his economic plan guarantees you and i to "get back" the american dream...

wiping my butt with excess dollar bills was never my idea of the american dream never existed in a realm where i possessed millions of dollars and owned nine houses...

joe the plumber is stating that his american dream is not to share the wealth..."it's mine, all mine" he might i am guessing the american dream is to help a citizen get as rich as they possibly can, hord all their possessions, remove the word "share" from the communal values of the country - because god forbid we help a neighbor out's mine - all mine...the american dream...

i am ashamed that the american dream is cloaked with selfishness...i am ashamed that the american idea of "dream" is something that denies a basic philosophy of loving your neighbor as yourself...some people would tell me to shut the hell up - the bible has nothing to do with capitalism and non-distribution of wealth...i beg to differ...remember that small community in acts 2? economy was a BIG freakin deal to them...

i don't want to get back the american dream...partially because in about thirty years, we are going to be right back where we are today, trying to offer frustrated citizens a glimpse of how it used to be...

regarding money - i can't really recall any instructions by jesus to gather and hord...zaccheus had to pay it all back...matthew had to pay it all back...the rich young ruler had to sell it all...ananais and sapphira died because they withheld some of their capital...making money isn't the it away is...

so what does a pastor say regarding the american dream? i would probably get stoned to death...


At 12:08 PM, Blogger Tim said...

They should say exactly what you said, but remember to duck behind the podium.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Monica said...

hehe...i am starting to wonder if i am going crazy - which granted, is quite possible - or if there really is no correlation of money and gospel for the american church? i don't have any money so i have such a different point of view...

note to self: duck

At 10:52 PM, Blogger Monica said...

derek - did you watch the daily show today? they totally vetted joe and i am sure he is damning mccain right now...stewart made the remark that joe has been interviewed more than palin :) it was pretty funny...

i did think last night how i wish i was in arvada with totally would have talked about the debate with me...instead, i was here all by myself (because who goes to a pub to watch a presidential debate - seriously?)

long story short - miss you


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