Thursday, October 02, 2008

nomadic update...

so i have watched about two hours of CNN today...this is really not a usual part of the day - it just so happened that my sinuses are making my face run at a rate of one kleenex box per hour...

many of you have asked 'what up' with the future...the call...the next step...options...possibilities...etc...the only thing that i do know is that i am going to louisville, kentucky on the 9th of october to interview for a program assistant position that is grant funded...the position will help and assist with certain programs through the office of theology and worship and also the church re-formation is a highly organizational/public relations position - which i each day passes, louisville seems to be a place that is strong - concerning the future...tons of people say "you'll just know" which i have a huge problem with because - do you know me? i don't just "know" about anything...i can't decide what to have for lunch unless there is a grilled cheese and soup available...maybe this time it will be different...

which makes watching CNN a little nerve racking...IF i move, and i want to try to buy a house - it looks like that is going to be akin to a camel going through the eye of a's funny to be at this juncture in your life only to have the economy restrict you...bring on the communal living :)

a week from now i will know a lot more than today...but i just wanted to share a little of the journey...


At 11:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Good luck in ky. Thanks for the additional info on the emerging worhsip experience. I tried to answer you back but my computer wouldn't cooperate. Will you still be around in Austin early next week?

At 6:41 AM, Blogger Monica said...

yes and you are on the list of people i need to see...i promise to find you when i get back to campus...thanks!

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

looking forward to it.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Derek said...

mmmm.... grilled cheese.

I agree with you about the "you'll just know" thing. People have said that to me about churches. I think it's bullshit. Each of them had just about the cushiest job they will ever land, at a church in a beautiful location. sure, that makes it easy and obvious, but that's not always the case.

At 8:41 AM, Blogger Derek said...

Oh, by the way. Good luck with the upcoming interview. If it's right for you you'll just know.

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Monica said...

i almost had a heart attack before the elipses...i will always "watch over" the rack :) i am so excited - it seems weird that it could all actually being working FOR me...instead of against me :)

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Derek said...

Mon, what exactly is it that you're going to do with Mere's rack?

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Monica said...

you know, the usual rack-y kind of things...adore, long for, and eventually consume... :)


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