Sunday, September 21, 2008

just hateful...

i just read kristof's op-ed in the nytimes and i was a little thrown off by the anti-obama marketing i perused several online shopping stores i was overwhelmed at the fierce hatred i saw displayed on purchase-able merchandise...
kristof told of one t-shirt that had an "O" with horns on top of it captioned with : the anti-christ...i am thinking to myself - really? is it that easy to become the anti-christ?
as i looked at everything from obama/marx, obamunism, che-obama, etc, i couldn't help but think - is that really what republicans think? religious republicans especially... any shift to socialism, communism, or any type of shared goods for all comes through a public vote in america theoretically- hence, democracy...the picture with obama with a turban on was probably the most offensive - to me...not only is it a hatred aimed at him - it is hatred centered toward the members of islam...thank god for freedom of speech...
it's funny to me that many religious people feel the anti-christ to be personifed as one, singular me, anti (against) christ (christ) can easily be seen by those who proudly claim christianity as their religion...for example, by supporting shirts such as the one posted here... is this anti-christ(al)? - by means of hate, degradation, and all mentioned above?
it's so frustrating...i shouldn't read the paper on sundays...i want to cry right now...every where i turn there are those in the church who are keeping the gays, the poor, the single, the liberal out...every article i read there is another "follower of christ" hating obama, the democrats, and muslims - all in an attempt to eradicate evil...i get so tired of being on the "evil" of today i am going to embrace it...


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