Wednesday, November 29, 2006


i hate when there is about three hours worth of information trapped in my brain from the intake of the day and i can't think of one damn word to write down...i need a brain vomit...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

days like today...

they make me crazy...i randomly walk from place to place, doing thing to thing, seeing person to person, making talk to talk and talk...when thursday comes, i will live happily ever after...until friday i'm sure :)

for all you in the world who are trying their best to get it all done...hang in there...

Sunday, November 26, 2006


i tried to teach em this game i learned on electric we tried it...and i would start with the syllable "tr"...and i think she followed up with "uck"...which was really good...but then i said "sh"...and she followed with "it", maybe we need some work before we go onto children's programming...:)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

the final countdown...


friends, romans, countrypersons...we are now embarking upon our last week of classes for this semester...if you are within the same scope as myself, it seems there is a set amount of time left and i have found what i have left to do exceeds the allotted time frame given...hmmm...i think i will resolve to count on a miracle...a miracle of time extension...that this week be the longest week in the history of the sun standing still...allowing me one more hour to finish a book report, a sermon, a journal, a world religions presentation, and one more hour to put up festive decorations for all to enjoy...

i know i am not alone...juan and i are establishing the crazy club this week...we are accepting applications and you too can be inducted sometime this week...right smack in the middle of craziness...join leaves us in the position to at least enjoy the madness in community!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

i love this...

i love it when he said, "happy thanksgiving!" there's something good and right about being with people you adore...

Saturday, November 18, 2006


i have tried to resign that thanksgiving is not important...alas, i am headed home on monday...alleluia...i have not been with my mom and sister at the same time in over a just might be magical...after this next weekend, it will be time to put up the wreaths and holly and put on the jolly holiday cheer...i could care less about the commercialism...i just like christmas...theologically, it is the center of gravity for my systematic thought! happy thanksgiving to all...hope you get the meat sweats on thursday!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


It is necessary for words. Words are solitary articulations of the intangible. It helps to describe. I just finished Jack Rogers’s book on Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality. Not because of my need to articulate my beliefs on the issue- he articulated many things that have formerly come to rest in my ideology concerning this issue.
Hermeneutics: this is interesting. The very basis of the word allows each of us to articulate our ideology- thus enabling us to solidify with confidence our particular understanding of any issue; whether it be marriage, murder, idolatry, or prejudice.
Rogers uses Christ as the hermeneutic for affirming homosexuality. Go figure- Jesus would be the lens in which we are to see humanity in all realms: Asian, Women, Mexican, Divorced, Irish, Raped, etc. I find it interesting that our progressive selves just now want to see our dilemmas through the lens of Jesus. Of course I am being facetious; but honest, nonetheless. Reading this book has forced me to consider why we are living in the 21st century and Christ is just now being ushered in as the ultimate lens of interpretation in Scripture?
First: For most Reformed persons, Christ is believed to be the incarnate Word. God in flesh- for the purpose of redeeming humanity from every last thing that causes us to hate, despise, loathe, harm, and kill one another. Reconciliation, my friends, makes the incompatible compatible. It seems that if God could reconcile with creation in such a way that nothing separates us- how much more are we obligated to do the same with one another? Enter: Christ.
Second: If Christ is the ultimate reconciliation between God and humanity- then what are we doing trying to qualify who is the recipient regarding any type of grace? Because it offends us to consider that EVERYONE is concerned? I sat next to a friend the other day who wept, openly- and she does NOT do this- because she was so deeply moved by the human web of “ins and outs.” She could not reconcile that her service was merited- yet a homosexual woman’s service is considered inadequate. She, as well as I, are ashamed of this prejudice and feel guilty in our participation (by association) of it. Quite clearly, I am sure you see the question at stake: WHO IS ABLE? None? All? If we have been reconciled, and we confess that we have, then by what means do we continue to qualify service to God? Enter: control.
Third: It is no secret that male dominance is still the standard in many realms of reality: church, work, race, and politics- basically any realm existing in this New World. For arguments sake I will accede that it was inherited from the cultures we formally inhabited. This “culture” of reconciled people who never considered to read Scripture through the lens of Christ- the one who alone can forgive and redeem- has lead, dominated, and perpetuated the control factor of our inherited cultures. Does it make sense to subjugate another person that has received the same reconciliation as yourself? Who cares what arena we are to consider subjugation- does it seem right? Enter: justification.
Fourth: The weak are not made strong in the world of humanity. The weak get eaten for snacks between meals. If you are not considered “strong”- then most likely you will become the prey of the surrounding dominant structure. It seems that if weak and strong alike have been reconciled to God through Christ, then how do we justify our indifference as we watch it happen in the realms noted above? I call it justification. It just makes sense. That’s the way it’s always been. In the words of a friend quoting a beloved family member- “I know what Jesus would have done; and he would have been wrong!” When I use the word weak, I use it in the place of all persons that live within an arena of subjugation; most notably- women, GLBT persons, differently-abled persons, immigrants, even effeminate straight men. I feel sure that I am leaving someone out. Justification of not living out reconciliation among one another seems to enter from those who sense that the “weak” live well from the progress of the “strong.” Screw Jesus- “I say who Jesus is and he is not THAT!” The digression could go on and on. Enter: Authority
Fifth: Claimed authority- when Christ is used as the lens of authority ON authority, things start looking incredibly backwards. Look around- does it look like itinerant, selfless, loving, healing, forgiving persons are in authority? Enter: Broken Heart.
Sixth: It’s not about going back for me- it’s about being serious with one another regarding our true understanding of humanity in and through Christ. NO ONE deserves this reconciliation more than the next…in fact, our most sincere piety does not earn this reconciliation. It was GIVEN- to ALL. We don’t own it- it owns us! We are mere receivers. The call to serve- we don’t own it- it owns us!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

i need funny...

i forgot this was was way back in the day when mtv was still cool....for your viewing pleasure...hope this brightens up your day...

Monday, November 06, 2006

about that...

"yeah, regarding conversion experience....
don't fall in love with your first one..." -lewie d.

my love has been stolen...

IF contemplation itself implies the idea of being

THEN does it not itself presuppose a dis-interestedness- a relaxation of the allegiance to being?

Intellectual disinterestedness is possible only because of the ethical dis-interestedness, by the dis-interestedness of holiness....take that yall bitches....:)

e. levinas...seriously...i love this man...

Friday, November 03, 2006

true a-ha moment...

i have reckoned eusebius with bach is dreadful to learn of what he is so geniously wrote's painful and mind-numbing...but i confess, once there is the slightest connection you are like a kite flying high in medium wind...over the ocean...attached to a string held by some lovely person with their feet in the sand...and their pants are rolled up at the bottom for when the tide comes in...

it really is that good...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

holyl shit...

The Rev. Ted Haggard resigned as president of the 30 million-member National Association of Evangelicals on Thursday after being accused of paying a man for sex in monthly trysts over the past three years.

oh my god...oh my god...oh my god...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

in bed...

um, i wet my pants watching this ...

happy 33rd jensen...

on thursday this week, which is tomorrow, jensen will be as old as jesus got to, in honor of this special day i cheers him with this ....a little morgan freeman never hurt nobody!