Friday, December 21, 2007

wow, it's been a month?

vh1 is quite possibly my favorite place to waste time...oh, and be nostalgic...i forget how powerful nirvana is... and how beautiful sinead o connor was...or how freaking old i am!! cue tonight was when the members of hanson were shown as married with children - dear jesus, what am i doing? :) definitely not mmm-bopping...

by this time next week, we will be looking at a new year...a great year to be sure...graduation, elections, and god willing - a job...i now only have momentary lapses of angst...opposed to days on end regarding the future...i have finally realized it does absolutely no good to fear it...remind me of this in about eight weeks...

somewhere in the rush of getting out of school, i think i forgot to wish everyone a merry christmas...i'm off to do some pondering this next type stuff...i will be thinking of you all and will look forward to the final season pt. 2...beginning the last week of january...after that awesome place called indonesia gets visited by yours truly :) i feel certain that if pappan makes it through customs with only a strip search, the trip will be one for the history books...cheers everyone...