i could be reading 400 more pages on MLK tonight...or i could continue my current obsession with solitaire...on the average day - like today - i might mull over a few ideas while alternatingly-stacking cards in their proper red/black is numbing...but i am convinced it helps strengthen my critical thinking skills...
suppose: un-solitaire phases in my academic career have been slothful...unimaginative...lacking in depth...grades produced were not bad...but they were not in the magic (+) category...
consider: current solitaire phase...productive...clear and concise...extremely interdisciplinarian...creative...grades are good...
i've been thinking... just as the end draws nigh it seems that i have finally gotten the hang of how to make all the academic requirements happen...or, it is just a by-product of my current solitaire phase...either way, i should have 1) kept a constant solitaire phase steady for the last three years... or 2) convinced myself that the end is always today so that my production rate looks like a solitaire phase...
really, it's complicated... i should get back to the civil rights movement...