kiss of all kisses
i have known those to avoid the big lip lock on new year's eve...why? i must ask...i actually wanted to kiss someone specific-just for kissings' sake...i somewhat feel that it still might actually happen...maybe not at midnight- maybe not tonight, but i would love to hold in the hopes that even a kiss is worth the wait...
for some of my friends, the kiss is a sacred thing...not to be disclosed to just what's a girl to do? so, the adventure of tonight will be one for future documentation...i know your just dying to know...
well, the close of a most excellent year is happening today...i asked my friend A. what number he would give it- he picked 7 out of 10 in rating the year...i went higher than 7 because of the most excellent move to austin...things have gone much better than i ever expected and my incredible world of good people have made my life so much more interesting...
i will toast a number of people friend mer and i are headed out to have a little fun with the city...a toast to the ryan's- a toast to the 'brew'- a toast to the longhorns for wed- and a toast to the good weather of texas...i love you all so much...happy new year...