the unexpected...
if you read this, will you remember a woman named isabel...her husband died tonight...
the west has got a hold on me...
if you read this, will you remember a woman named isabel...her husband died tonight...
so, it turns out that jensen did learn alot about scientology from southpark...i highly suggest watching it through youtube...or someone's tube...
sorry for being a sourpuss this week...
there is a place- i sense- in which we all find this particular spot on the well travelled road of is the crossroads of fear and hope...they are intersected with two sign says, "despair this way"...the other says, "unknown but worth risking"...this is an intersection we find ourselves in when our ability to control all circumstances reveals itself as futile and undoable...
so, today for the first time in my life, i considered living another life...multiple lives...i wonder if it is credible...
i had a i heart huckabees moment on friday during a theology session...which was being conducted at the pub...
i would like to take a moment and thank mr. dees for fixing at least one of my commenting problems with this beta blogger crap...i think he might have more solutions than i have questions is in his nature...
You scored as J.Moltmann.
i was reminded today of a friend of mine that has been on the fringes of my life for a few years...i would see him on tuesdays for english beer night and there was never more than the friendly pub language and the communication of the latest whatnot...
i returned home today to find the scent in which i find to be calming awaiting me crazy, which i am most assuredly so, and the scent that haunted and comforted me this past year was awaiting me upon the entrance to my room...granted, georgia had to give me my key back to get in...